
Repositório Institucional da Produção Científica da Marinha do Brasil (RI-MB)

Browsing by Author Jesus, Sérgio M.

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Showing results 6 to 8 of 8 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2018Sustained underwater acoustic communications with environmental-based time-reversalMaia, Lussac Prestes; Silva, António; Jesus, Sérgio M.journalArticle
2019The influence of the upwelling regime in rocky shore bioacoustic signature off Cabo Frio IslandXavier, Fabio Contrera; Calado, Leandro; Silveira, Nilce Gomes; Naval-Xavier, Lais P.; Fagundes Netto, Eduardo Barros; Kassuga, Alexandre D.; Jesus, Sérgio M.; The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, 2019, Den Haag (Netherland)journalArticle
2019The influence of upwelling in underwater communication off Cabo Frio islandMaia, Lussac Prestes; Xavier, Fabio Contrera; Osowsky, Jefferson; Vio, Renato Peres; Jesus, Sérgio M.; Underwater Acoustics Conference & Exhibition (005.:2019:Greece)journalArticle