Browsing by Author Silveira, I. C. A.
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type |
29-Mar-2020 | Discrepancies between satellite-derived and in situ SST data in the Cape Frio Upwelling System, Southeastern Brazil (23˚S) | Pereira, F.; Bouali, M.; Polito, P. S.; Silveira, I. C. A.; Candella, Rogério Neder | journalArticle |
2011 | Numerical simulation of M2 internal tides in the south Brazil Bight and their interaction with the Brazil currente | Pereira, A. Flávio; Castro, B.M; Calado, Leandro; Silveira, I. C. A. | journalArticle |
2006 | A parametric model for the Brazil current meanders and eddies off southeastern Brazil | Calado, Leandro; Gangopadhyay, A.; Silveira, I. C. A. | journalArticle |