Browsing by Author Coutinho, Ricardo
Showing results 19 to 38 of 60
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type |
2019 | Eco-engineering in a harbou area: people's perceptions of the marine environment around Forno harbour, Arraial do Cabo, RJ, Brazil | Naval-Xavier, Lais P. D.; Xavier, Fabio Contrera; Menezes, Rafael Gomes de; Messano, Luciana V. R. de; Strain, Elisabeth M. A.; Coutinho, Ricardo; Biofouling, Benthic Ecology and Marine Biotechnology Meeting, 013., 2019, Arraial do Cabo (RJ) | journalArticle |
2019 | eDNA for early detection of marine invasive benthic species | Bueno, Julia Luz; Coutinho, Ricardo; Biofouling, Benthic Ecology and Marine Biotechnology Meeting, 013., 2019, Arraial do Cabo (RJ) | journalArticle |
2019 | Effect of the temperature in biological interactions between the coral Tubastraea coccinea and the sponge Darwinella sp. in Arraial do Cabo, RJ | Sant'Anna, Kiani; Altvater, Luciana; Kassuga, Alexandre; Menezes, Rafael Gomes de; Coutinho, Ricardo; Biofouling, Benthic Ecology and Marine Biotechnology Meeting, 013., 2019, Arraial do Cabo (RJ) | journalArticle |
2019 | Effects of an alternative antifouling technique on settlement and mortality of the invasive sun-corals Tubastraea coccinea Lesson 1829 larvae | Messano, Luciana V. R. de; Kessel, R.; Coutinho, Ricardo; Biofouling, Benthic Ecology and Marine Biotechnology Meeting, 013., 2019, Arraial do Cabo (RJ) | journalArticle |
2019 | Eficiência fotoquímica de algas calcárias em um banco de vida livre | Lima, Géssica S. P.; Duarte, Heitor M.; Tamega, Frederico T. S.; Coutinho, Ricardo; Workshop REDEALGAS, 007., 2019, Arraial do Cabo (RJ) | journalArticle |
2019 | Fecundity assesment of deep-sea corals in Southeastern Brazil | Bastos, Nathália; Terra, Carolina; Vieira, Lourença; Mota, Caio; Barros, Halésio; Coutinho, Ricardo; Biofouling, Benthic Ecology and Marine Biotechnology Meeting, 013., 2019, Arraial do Cabo (RJ) | journalArticle |
2018 | History of research of biofouling and antifouling systems conducted by Brazilian Navy | Coutinho, Ricardo; Neves, Maria Helena Campos Baeta; Gonçalves, José Eduardo de Arruda.; Messano, Luciana Vicente Resende de; Siviero, Fernanda Neves.; Abreu, M.; International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (019.:2018:Melbourne) | journalArticle |
2020 | Human norovirus detection in bivalve shell fi sh in Brazil and evaluation of viral infectivity using PMA treatment | Sarmento, Sylvia Kahwage; Guerra, Caroline Rezende; Malta, Fábio Correia; Coutinho, Ricardo; Miagostovich, Marize Pereira; Fumian, Tulio Machado | journalArticle |
2019 | Human norovirus detection in shellfish colected from Arraial do Cabo, RJ, Brazil | Sarmento, Sylvia Kahwage; Guerra, Caroline Rezende; Miagostovich, Marize Pereira; Coutinho, Ricardo; Fumian, Tulio Machado; Biofouling, Benthic Ecology and Marine Biotechnology Meeting, 013., 2019, Arraial do Cabo (RJ) | journalArticle |
2019 | Identification of free-living geniculare coralline red algae (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) in a unique algal bed formation from Brazil and a description of Jania Cabista SP. NOV. | Tamega, Frederico T. S.; Torrano-Silva, Beatriz N.; Oliveira, Mariana Cabral; Sportono-Oliveira, Paula; Calazans, Sávio H.; Rosas-Alquicira, Edgar Francisco; Coutinho, Ricardo; Peña, Viviana; Biofouling, Benthic Ecology and Marine Biotechnology Meeting, 013., 2019, Arraial do Cabo (RJ) | journalArticle |
2011 | IEAPM e Akzo Nobel assinam acordo de confidencialidade | Coutinho, Ricardo | journalArticle |
2011 | IEAPM e Akzo Nobel assinam acordo de confidencialidade | Coutinho, Ricardo | journalArticle |
2011 | IEAPM realiza pesquisa pioneira na Antártica | Coutinho, Ricardo; Gonçalves, José Eduardo Arruda; Masi, Bruno Pereira | journalArticle |
2011 | IEAPM realiza pesquisa pioneira na Antártica | Coutinho, Ricardo; Gonçalves, José Eduardo Arruda; Masi, Bruno Pereira | journalArticle |
2011 | Influence of a shipwreck on a nearshore-reef fish assemblages off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Fagundes Netto, Eduardo Barros; Gaelzer, Luiz Ricardo; Coutinho, Ricardo; Zalmon, Ilana Rosental | journalArticle |
2017 | Inter-annual cascade effect on marine food web: a benthic pathway lagging nutrient supply to pelagic fish stock | Fernandes, Lohengrin Dias de Almeida; Fagundes Netto, Eduardo Barros; Coutinho, Ricardo | journalArticle |
2008 | Laboratório de Recursos Marinhos – LAREMAR | Coutinho, Ricardo | journalArticle |
2024 | Life history strategy of Tubastraea spp. corals in an upwelling area on the Southwest Atlantic: growth, fecundity, settlement, and recruitment | Dias, Nathália Bastos; Tunala, Layla Poubel; Coutinho, Ricardo | journalArticle |
2019 | Macroalgae-associated bacteria with antimicrobial potential | Carvalho, Ana Polycarpa; Batista, Daniela; Coutinho, Ricardo; Workshop of REDEALGAS, 007., 2019, Arraial do Cabo (RJ) | journalArticle |
2019 | Macroalgae-associated bacteria with biotechnological potential | Carvalho, Ana Polycarpa; Batista, Daniela; Coutinho, Ricardo; Biofouling, Benthic Ecology and Marine Biotechnology Meeting, 013., 2019, Arraial do Cabo (RJ) | journalArticle |